
Discussing goals with each other creates a more complete relationship

Knowing Your Significant Other’s Future Goals in a Relationship Is Important?

Introduction When we talk about goals, we usually talk about our personal goals. Now, how about when you are in a relationship? You are currently in a five-year relationship. It’s going exactly how you want a relationship to be. Then, one day, you ask your partner, “Do you want any kids?” The partner replies, “What […]

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Trust is one pillar that holds a relationship together.

5 Ways To Increase Trust In Your Relationship

Introduction “Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair.” – Anonymous Building and maintaining trust in a relationship is a multifaceted and intricate process that demands considerable time, effort, and dedication from both parties involved. Trust is a fundamental element of any robust and healthy relationship, creating an environment of openness,

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The importance of the parent-child relationship & how it connects to potential relationships

10 Reasons Why Having A Parent-Child Relationship is Important for Future Relationships

Introduction “A good father is a source of inspiration and self-restraint. A good mother is the root of kindness and humbleness.” – Dr. TP Chia Establishing and maintaining a meaningful relationship with one’s parents is critical in shaping an individual’s emotional and psychological well-being. This fundamental link has a substantial impact on how people perceive,

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Reciprocating each other's energy is essential in the development of your relationship.

15 Reasons Why Reciprocating Energy In A Relationship Is Important

Introduction “What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.” — Confucius Reciprocating energies in a relationship are the threads that weave the fabric of a strong, lasting, and fulfilling relationship. This mutual exchange of effort, understanding, and support between partners is not just a gesture but a fundamental necessity for a

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Only people who think they are the prize end up in relationships that lack communication

Why Feeling Like The “Prize” Can Be A Dangerous Mentality.

Introduction “Intensely selfish people are always very decided as to what they wish. They do not waste their energies in considering the good of others.” – Ouida, Wanda Feeling like the prize means you feeling good about yourself. That’s what self-love is, right? However, overindulging in yourself can actually make you seem unattractive. Narcissist tendencies

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depression comes unexpectedly, you can never prepare for it, just endure.

Depression, The Soundless Killer: 8 Early Signs of Depression

“We try to hide our feelings, but we forget that our eyes speak.” – Anonymous  Introduction Depression is one of those topics that is finally getting some headway. Massive quotes online talking about how to stop being depressed. Athletes are coming out on their platforms to speak about it. With the state of the world,

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anxiety comes at us in different ways, but how we handle it is what makes the difference

Anxiety, Fear’s Best Friend: 5 Ways to Deal With Anxiety

“Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future, but from wanting to control it.” – Kahlil Gibran Introduction Imagine a world without anxiety? Confidence never being a problem for anyone. Speeches are perfect since there won’t be any fear of failure or messing up. What a beautiful world that would be. Now let’s

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respect creates healthier bonds

Why Respect In A Relationship Is Important (4 Major Ways)

Introduction “The ultimate test of a relationship is to disagree but hold hands.” – Alexandra Penney Is respect really that important? To some people, it’s not; to some people, they think of it highly. I like to say everyone’s version of love is different because of our moral values, upbringing and experiences. If someone has

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