
how to stop going back into a toxic relationship

How To Stop Going Back To A Toxic Relationship

“Don’t allow someone not worth it to have the power to occupy your thoughts.” ― Donna Lynn Hope Stop, Reset, Grow Ok, ok, I promise I’ll stop with this negative topic. Got to start preaching some positivity, you know? It’s unfortunate that toxic relationships are this common. Apparently… 60% of relationships are toxic. Even in […]

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why toxic relationships hurt us badly & why we stay

Toxic Relationships…. Why do we stay? Where’s The Benefit?

“Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows.” Intro Toxic relationships… it’s very interesting because when I was younger.. (maybe I was naive), I always thought toxic relationships were a rarity. So the chances of you hearing about one is slim and so forth. As I get older and hear

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